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CareSmartz360 (EVV)

AbbeyCare partnered with EVV provider called CareSmartz. You will be using CareSmartz application on your smart phone/tablet to record time worked and services delivered. This app will replace time sheets in the future entirely.

We will be posting information and all related links to the CareSmatz guides on our website. We will be setting up training classes for employees that wish to have the training in person. We will notify you of the available dates and how you can sign up for it.
You should start using your app immediately following the receipt of an email from CareSmartz and set up your login credentials.
While using your CareSmartz app, you should continue to submit your time sheets as before (while using the app) until further notice. Your time sheets will need to match information entered in your app. This will enable our office to accurately process your time worked for the payroll.
If you should have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our office during business hours and via email:

Mobile Phone
Virtual Team Meeting
Wedding website
Holding Tablet Computer
Globalization concept
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